The following reviews the AllStarTeams participant journey map.

Video (5:56 minutes – click to play)

AST Participant Journey


This Journey Map introduces AllStarTeams (AST) and how its modular design works at an individual, team, and organizational level. AST works on any cloud-based whiteboard transforming it into a dynamic talent orchestration resource for use with any size or type of enterprise workforce.


The AST experience begins with an orientation, usually at the team level. A Facilitator provides an overview of the experience, what’s required, the exercises, and the benefits. The AST Platform enables Facilitators to track participant progress and offer individual support if needed.

Week 1: Individual Onboarding

In week one, individual participants access their AST Onboarding Platform to complete their Star Strengths-Based Self-Assessment. This self-directed activity involves answering a series of scenario questions. It takes about 20-25 minute and generates three digital artifacts used throughout the rest of the AllStarTams experience.

  • The Star Badge pictures an individual’s fundamental strengths – Thinking, Planning, Feeling, Acting, and Imagining –  arrayed around a star motif. One reads the badge clockwise from 3:00, a person’s leading strength and the other follows around to 12:00. The top, or apex, is always associated with Imagination. Every strength has a symbolic color (explained by psychology, science, and philosophy). Imagination is at the top and left blank like a canvas. This theme runs throughout the AST experience. We all have fundamental strengths we typically favor and use all the time. However, through Imagination, we can envision how to harness our other strengths to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.
  • The Star Report explains an individual’s distinctive mix of their five fundamental strengths, suggestions about how best to play to them, and the unique role of Imagination and Flow in one’s work.
  • The Star Card is used throughout the AST experience at each level – individually, as a team, and organizationallyThe Star Card features a participant’s name, role, photo, and Star Badge. This design reflects that our fundamental strengths are best marshaled through Imagination, represented by the cloud visual.

Individual Whiteboard Workout

Participants then continue to a personal whiteboard template to complete a set of 5 Exercises. They will use their Star Card throughout. These exercises enable individuals to understand better how to play to their unique strengths, their stressors, and when they’re working at their best, i.e., their Flow State, to address challenges and achieve goals.

Individuals have one week to complete all five exercises. Their Facilitator is available throughout if needed.

Week 2: Team Whiteboard Workout

In week two, team members meet with their Facilitator online. Together they complete five scaffolded exercises that build on their prior individual workouts. Together they learn to identify and understand their diverse strengths and related flow states to address challenges and achieve goals most effectively. Ultimately, teammates are more self-aware, see each other holistically and positively, appreciate their differences, and can better communicate and collaborate effectively.

Ongoing –

Individual Growth Plan Whiteboard

Individuals have the option of working further on a personalized growth plan whiteboard. This self-directed activity featuring the Star Card provides a simple, safe way to check in with managers and coaches to gauge progress in meeting professional and personal goals.

Constellation Whiteboard

The more individuals and teams benefit using AllStarTeams, the more value accrues to the organization. The Constellation whiteboard provides an overall unique strengths-based, interactive talent map. This map also enables rapidly forming cognitively diverse or specialized teams while avoiding unconscious bias.

Overall, an initial modest investment of six hours over two weeks results in immediate and ongoing benefits for all levels of participation,  an evergreen virtuous circle.

Create trusting teams sooner.

Yesterday’s tools don’t work with today’s teams. Contact us for more info, to book a demo, arrange a facilitator or for pricing.